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We offer all subjects

We have all traditional science subjects and a number of modern competence subjects. The competence subjects cover e.g. on Technology understanding, Well-being and Job&Education. Look below and find the subjects you want to listen to.


In the Danish subject, pupils must promote their experience and understanding of literature and other aesthetic texts, subject texts, language and communication as sources for the development of personal and cultural identity. The subject must promote the pupil's ability to empathize and their aesthetic, ethical and historical understanding.


In the subject mathematics, the pupils must develop mathematical competences and acquire skills and knowledge, so that they can behave appropriately in mathematics-related situations in their current and future daily, leisure, educational, work and social life.


In the subject English, the pupils must develop linguistic, textual and intercultural competences, so that they can use English nationally and globally in their current and future lives. Pupils must develop their curiosity and awareness of the English language and be able to choose suitable language learning and communication strategies as a basis for foreign language learning.


In the subject of history, the pupils must gain an understanding of coherence in interaction with a chronological overview and be able to use this understanding in their everyday and social life. The pupils must become familiar with culture and history.

Social Studies

In the social studies subject, pupils must acquire knowledge and skills so that they can take a reflective position on society and its development. The pupils must acquire competences for active participation in a democratic society.


In the subject of religion, pupils must acquire knowledge and skills that enable them to understand and relate to the importance of the religious dimension for the individual's perception of life and his relationship with others. The pupils must gain knowledge about different religions and views of life.

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Nature & Technology

In the science/technology subject, the pupils must develop science competences and thus gain an insight into how science contributes to our understanding of the world. In nature/technology, students must acquire skills and knowledge about important phenomena and contexts, as well as develop thoughts, language and concepts about nature and technology that have value in everyday life.


In the subject biology, the pupils must develop natural science competences and thus gain an insight into how biology – and biological research – in interaction with the other natural sciences contributes to our understanding of the world.


In physics/chemistry, pupils must acquire skills and knowledge about basic physical and chemical conditions in nature and technology, with an emphasis on understanding basic physical and chemical concepts and relationships as well as important applications of physics and chemistry.


In geography, pupils must acquire skills and knowledge about basic natural and culture-created prerequisites for living conditions in the world, with an emphasis on understanding basic geographical concepts, contexts and society's utilization of natural foundations and resources.

Physical Education

In the subject of physical education, the pupils must develop physical, sporting, social and personal competences. The pupils must acquire knowledge of versatile sports culture and develop a desire for movement. The physical education subject must give pupils experience and insight into the importance of sports for health and well-being as well as the interaction between society and sports culture.


The pupils must develop skills to communicate in German both orally and in writing, so that they can use German nationally and globally in their current and future lives. The subject German must provide pupils with basic knowledge of cultural and social conditions in German-speaking countries and thereby strengthen their international and intercultural understanding.

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Pupils must develop skills to communicate in French both orally and in writing, so that they can use French nationally and globally in their current and future lives. The students must simultaneously develop their linguistic awareness and foreign language learning as well as strengthen their cultural and intercultural understanding through cultural encounters.

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Visual arts

In the visual arts subject, pupils must develop skills to experience, produce and analyze images. The pupils must be able to observe, reflect and use imagery in communicative and innovative processes.

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In the music subject, the pupils must develop skills to experience music and the subject must contribute to the pupils development. The pupils develop an understanding of music tradition as part of cultural life, partly as it is part of current social life, partly in its historical perspective.

Food & Cooking

In the subject of food & cooking, pupils must acquire skills and knowledge about food, taste, health, food, cooking and meals and thus develop competences that enable them to choose and evaluate their own taste and food choices.

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Crafts & Design

In the subject craft and design, the pupils must acquire knowledge and skills, as well as with practical and sensory experiences, develop craftsmanship skills to design, manufacture and evaluate products with aesthetic, functional and communicative value.

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Mental Health

Mental Health is divided into academic and social mental health. Working with pupils' mental health and establishing strong communities is a crucial area in school. The pupils gains knowledge and skills so that they can work with their own and others' mental health and know about tools for good mental health.

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In the subject technology, pupils must develop professional competences and acquire skills and knowledge, so that they can constructively and critically participate in the development of digital artefacts and understand their meaning.

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Labour Market Studies

In the "Labour Market studies", pupils must acquire skills to be able to assess career paths and opportunities. Through concrete experiences and immersion, the students must acquire versatile knowledge about the labor market and working life. The subject must give pupils knowledge about the conditions in a changing labor market and in a changing working life.

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The aim is to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in their future financial lives. It gives pupils an understanding of how to earn and spend money wisely in order to secure one's future. 


Pupils can communicate and work together with others to achieve a common goal or solution. They can consider other people's ideas without judgment or criticism, as well as explain their own ideas. They can take and apply feedback from their peers.


The purpose is to prepare pupils for a collaborative and connected world where they must work together with others to achieve success. Collaboration teaches pupils to communicate effectively and respectfully and appreciate the value of different perspectives. It also teaches them how to develop meaningful relationships.

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Critical Thinking

Pupils learn to show confidence in dealing with complexity and ambiguity.
Pupils can seek external sources of information when they do not know the answer to a problem, and in the future know how to have a healthy skepticism towards information they receive.

Creativity & Entrepreneurship

Pupils can generate more original ideas.
Pupils can assess the quality of ideas and choose the best ones to shape into a product
Pupils use ingenuity and imagination, go beyond conventional boundaries when they shape ideas into a product
Pupils can adopt different perspectives to deepen and improve ideas.

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Concentration & Memory

The purpose is to gain knowledge and skills, as well as to train how to use one's concentration skills to concentrate for a longer period of time to carry out tasks and activities.

Problem solving

The pupils gain knowledge and methods for working with problem solving. Pupils show persistence in working with difficult problems. Pupils can clearly articulate problems they encounter and choose solution strategies.

Human rights

Working with human rights dilemmas in school strengthens pupils, as through knowledge, reflection and discussion they practice discussing nuancedly about current issues.

Sustainable Development Goals

The aim is to help pupils develop an understanding of the importance of creating a healthy, safe and prosperous world for all. Learning about these topics can equip pupils with the knowledge of how to care for the world and can also encourage them to be part of positive change by taking action in their own lives and communities.

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Sexual education

The aim of the teaching is for the child and the young person to develop action skills, where they become able, alone and together with others, to make changes in relationships with a view to promoting sexual health.

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Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 41

1437 Copenhagen K, Denmark


Opening hours by phone:
Monday-Friday 10-15 pm

Access: Open 24 hours

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