Test cases at the test schools
School To Go is a well-tested concept and we have visited a number of schools across the country. School To Go has been tested on over 700 school children in total.
The results speak for themselves, and both teachers, students and school principals give their positive feedback that School To Go can raise grades, build bridges with school refusal students, and ensure homework help for students who experience challenges in understanding and achieving schoolwork.
A public school in Denmark
School to Go was warmly welcomed and together with a teacher, we tested a lesson outside with a group of 4th grade students. The students thought it was smart that you could just rewind the lesson if there was something they didn't understand. It was easy for them to concentrate on it as the headphones cut out the outside noise. As one girl said: “It's like going to school, only easier!”. They also knew what School To Go meant. “Yes, it's a school you take with you”! And it was absolutely right.
Thank you for letting us visit you!

A private school in Denmark
School To Go was welcomed with great kindness at a large private school and tested in a class in a creative subject. The students listened very intently and did the assignments thoroughly after the lesson. It said that they understood everything in the lesson and also the assignments.
“We understood everything and it was also easy to understand the tasks”, said a 9th grade student. Their teacher thought that School To Go would be a good contribution to teach outside the classroom and the students could prepare in peace and quiet before further teaching. Thank you for your dedication and hospitality to us!

A public school in Denmark
We were warmly welcomed by a 6th grade teacher, where both teacher and students were very supportive of the School To Go trial. The students logged in, got started and listened intently in groups. Then the students worked on the tasks in the lesson and said they understood everything. Some of the girls said: “We want to use it at home, as homework”. The teacher felt that the platform was easy to use and that after a few uses, the students would be self-sufficient. Thank you very much for welcoming us and thank you for letting us visit you!

A family with school refusal
A parent contacted us when their 7th grade child was six months pregnant with school refusal. As a result, the child had not been in school, but had been homeschooled. It had been challenging, both in terms of structure and the relationship between them. However, the parent wanted their child to be able to attend academic classes until the child could return to school.
They started using the audio lessons from School To Go and the child could sit quietly and be taught without the physical confrontation that could cause stress. They completed classes in the major subjects, such as Danish, English, math and a single science subject, and the bridge to school was rebuilt.
Thank you for allowing us to contribute to a better academic well-being, towards the resumption of normal schooling!

A public school in Denmark
We were warmly welcomed and for a few weeks we were allowed to test School To Go in 12 classes, including 4th - 9th grade. We tested in different subjects, e.g. Danish, math, English, physics/chemistry and visual arts. The students thought it was great that there were so many facts and knowledge and they liked the feeling of storytelling. They liked the direct and efficient format.
“It was so relaxing!”, said a boy in 5th grade, and a teacher said that ‘it gave a lot of calmness in the class, and extremely calm, and it's an active class!’.
Thank you so much for letting us visit you!

A Full-day school in Denmark
We were warmly welcomed by a subject leader and were informed that the school already uses audio storytelling and audio lessons. Therefore, our audio lessons fitted in well and we visited several classes. The students enjoyed the flexibility and asked: “Can we use this more often? That would be great”. The question came from an 8th grade student. Students used School to Go on various devices, such as computer, tablet and smartphone, and our pre-instructed lessons received positive feedback. Thank you so much for having us!

A private school in Denmark
Vi blev budt varmt velkommen af en lærer i 6. klasse, hvor både lærer og elever var meget positive over for School To Go-forsøget. Eleverne loggede ind, gik i gang og lyttede intenst i grupper. Derefter arbejdede eleverne med opgaverne i lektionen og sagde, at de havde forstået det hele. Nogle af pigerne sagde: »Vi vil bruge det derhjemme, som lektier«. Læreren mente, at platformen var nem at bruge, og at eleverne ville være selvhjulpne efter et par gange. Mange tak for at byde os velkommen, og tak fordi vi måtte besøge jer!

A family with dyslexia
A father contacted us because some of his children were dyslexic. They were in 5th grade and 7th grade respectively, and the father was concerned that they weren't getting the knowledge and learning they needed as they didn't understand everything in school lessons. This was due to their challenge with dyslexia. It was important to be able to keep up and get a good exam, despite his difficulties, the father said. The family and their three children used the audio lessons from School To Go, and from then on, homework was a breeze with better contextual understanding and no learning gaps in several subjects. In addition to the success, the family now saved a fifth of their homework help budget.